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Player & Coach Registration 

Spring 2024 Registration Now Open - Player Registration Fee: $40


Player Registration

Name of Player*

Parent's Phone Number

Email Address of Player, Parent, or Guardian*

Mailing Address*

Players Birth Month and Day (for Birthday celebrations)

School or Program your player attends*

Does your player use equipment? Please tell us what type. Ex. wheelchair, stroller, crutches, etc.

Hat Size*

Select an option

Shirt Size*

Select an option

RELEASE FORM: I give authorization to the above listed person to participate in The Miracle League of Union County. I know that participation in baseball may result in serious injuries, and protective equipment does not prevent all injuries to players, and I do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless The Miracle League of Union County, and their organizers, sponsors, agents, insurers, supervisors, participants, and volunteers from any claim arising out of any injury to my child whether the result of negligence or for any other cause. I hereby grant The Miracle League of Union County, its affiliates, franchises, and advertising and promotional agencies, and their agents, the irrevocable, unrestricted right to use, publish, display and distribute materials bearing my name, voice, likeness or any other identifiable representation of myself, my family members including my Miracle League of Union County player. These materials may appear in any form, style, color or medium whatsoever (including, without limitation, photographs, video tapes, films, sound recordings, software, drawings, prints, broadcast, internet and electronic media). I agree that all material containing any identifiable representation of me (including without limitation, all negatives, plates, and masters of photographs, files, prints, or tapes) shall be and remain the sole and exclusive property of The Miracle League of Union County. I hereby release and forever discharge The Miracle League of Union County from any and all liability and damages relating to the use of my name, voice, likeness or any other identifiable representation of me. I hereby waive any right I may have to inspect or approve the finished materials or any part or element thereof that incorporates my name, voice, likeness, or any other identifiable representations of myself, my family including my Miracle League of Union County player. I acknowledge that I have fully read and understand this document and that I have had any questions regarding its effect or the meaning of its terms answered to my satisfaction. I certify that I am a least 18 years of age, unless this document is also signed by my parent or legal guardian.

Select an option

Player, Parent, or Guardian Electronic Signature*


I will pay $40 Registration fee by:

Select an option

Coach Registration


Mailing Address*

Best Phone Number to Reach You*

Alternate Phone number

Email Address*

Male or Female*

Select an option

Emergency Contact Name

Emergency Contact Phone Number

Coach Shirt Size*

Select an option

Would you be willing to be a dugout couch if there are not enough volunteers to fill those spots? It is our goal to have enough volunteers to fill those spots so that the parents and caregivers can watch their child from the stands.

Select an option

RESPONSIBILITIES OF A MIRACLE LEAGUE OF UNION COUNTY COACH: The coach will coordinate team activities. Ensure that each player has a uniform packet. Communicate all information to the player and families. Provide line-up to announcer and Team Mom. Demonstrate enthusiasm, love and concern for each player and family. Demonstrate high morals and integrity on and off the field. Arrive at field 15-30 minutes before game time..*

Select an option

CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK: By the undersigned person’s signature below, the undersigned person acknowledges the truth and accuracy of the following facts, and further acknowledges that the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED), including, but limited to it’s officers, employees, deputies and agents, is relying on the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided below in its performance of the Criminal Record check of the undersigned person. The undersigned person hereby authorizes The Miracle League of Union County to receive a copy of any criminal history which may be in the files of any State or local criminal justice agency. The undersigned person further understands that SLED will conduct a criminal record check of the undersigned person through the South Carolina Criminal Information Center. The undersigned person further understands that similar criminal record checks may be run in states other than South Carolina by the appropriate state agency based on previous addresses and locations of residency of the undersigned applicant. By the undersigned applicants signature below, the undersigned person specifically gives his/her consent for SLED to conduct criminal record checks of the undersigned person through the agencies listed above. *

Select an option

Type Your Name Here For Electronic Signature*


Coach Information

The Miracle League of Union County has about 8 games during a season. There are no practices in Miracle League baseball.

If you have any questions please call 864-426-0464

To complete registration, please click the BUY NOW button to pay the $40 player fee.

We are so excited about our new Uniform designs!

The uniforms run “true to size”


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The Miracle League of Union County

PO Box 425 | Union, SC 29379

Contact us at: 864-426-0464 or Email:

This site was created for the Miracle League of Union County by Carolina Web Design & Business Consulting Services | Copyright 2023

Contact Us Below


Email Address*



If you would like to Donate to the Miracle League of Union County, please click on the DONATE button; you will be redirected to a PayPal account to process your donation.  

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PayPal accepts all credit cards.

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